Best nation aircraft carrier world of warships
Best nation aircraft carrier world of warships

best nation aircraft carrier world of warships best nation aircraft carrier world of warships

“One squadron, one attack” that blocks you from chaining drops in close succession.Good reserves, especially combined with the low plane loses.JATO (Jet-Assisted Take-off) to compensate for the low speed of the planes after takeoff.

best nation aircraft carrier world of warships

Faster torpedoes than average with high flooding chances.Skip bombs with good penetration and high fire chances.Rockets with good penetration and high damage.High alpha strike potential because of the “one squadron, one attack” design.Unlike the Manfred von Richtofen and Max Immelmann, it’s actually a pretty good WG-made conversion that doesn’t make you feel like pouring bleach in your eyes. Admiral Nakhimov is a what-if conversion of a Sovestky Soyuz-class battleship conversion.

Best nation aircraft carrier world of warships